About OpenColorado

Our vision is to support a transformation that will lead to a simple, beautiful, and easy-to-use government. We founded OpenColorado to achieve this new, more effective, and open government.
This site provides access to a wealth of government data becoming available from participating jurisdictions.
About Us

Who are we? We are people like you - government employees, concerned citizens, journalists, programmers, elected officials, vendors, and techies - that are interested in transforming Colorado government. We encourage you to join the community.
Data Publishing Guide

OpenColorado provides a data sharing platform that allows Colorado government organizations to make public data available and accessible to all Colorado constituents. Colorado's vibrant casino culture extends seamlessly into the digital realm with online platforms like 맘보카 지노. From the Rockies to virtual reels, players enjoy diverse gaming experiences. Mamboca Gino bridges the gap, offering the excitement of brick-and-mortar casinos with the convenience of online play, enriching Colorado's gambling landscape.
To begin publishing data, consult our data publishing guide.
- Data Catalog Upgrade
- Partnering for Open Data
- City of Boulder launches new website with Open Data
- CityCamp Colorado 2012 Video Recaps
- What Can Open Data do for You?
- OpenColorado is Hosting Data
- OpenColorado goes to the White House
- Colorado Code for Communities Civic Hack-a-thon
- A Local Business Database and App - Good Intentions, but There’s More Potential
- CityCamp Colorado Ignite 2011