'; } if(hasError == false) { $(this).hide(); $("#contact-form li.buttons").append('Sending'); $.post("wordpress/wp-content/themes/the-advent/sendemail.html", { name: nameToVal, email: emailFromVal, subject: subjectVal, message: messageVal }, function(data){ $("#contact-form").slideUp("normal", function() { msg_success = '

Message Sent!

Thank you for contacting us. We will get back to you shortly!

'; document.getElementById('msg_error').innerHTML = ''; document.getElementById('msg_success').innerHTML = msg_success; }); } ); } return false; }); });

Contact Us

Want to add your data to the catalog but need help? Tell us about your cool application you developed using publicly available Colorado data? Interested in seeing how you can get involved with Open Colorado? Send us a message.