RTD Mobile App

When you’re on the go, the new RTD mobile website gives you access to all these cool features — right from your mobile phone.

With the new mobile website, you can:
Find the closest stops. Locate nearby RTD stations, stops or park-n-Rides using your phone’s GPS, or by entering an address/intersection.

Confirm departure times. Using MyStop, you can find the next three times your route will leave from a nearby bus stop, station or park-n-Ride.

Stay on schedule. If you know your route number and your destination, you can quickly look up a schedule for any day of service, any time of day.

Plan a trip. The RTD mobile website gives you easy access to Google Trip Planner, so you can map out your next RTD bus or light rail trip.

Check fares. Quickly access fares for buses, light rail, skyRide and call-n-Ride.

Look up important phone numbers. Now all of the RTD phone numbers you need are at your fingertips, including the Telephone Information Center, lost and found, access-a-Ride and the RTD Jobline.

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November 19th, 2010 | | Apps |  No Comments